Since MF plays a role in your day-to-day life–from food to finances to what you do for fun–we created articles with experts' perspectives on practices that may improve life with MF.
Everybody's MF is different. This site does not constitute medical advice. Please talk to your doctor or nutritionist about your specific case and your personal diet, including any allergies you may have.
Everybody's MF is different. This site does not constitute medical advice. Please talk to your doctor or nutritionist about your specific case and your personal diet, including any allergies you may have.
“Nutrient-rich foods which have high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, while also having anti-inflammatory properties, are the way to go.“
For better heart health and antioxidant activity, I would suggest looking at including more dark, leafy greens because they may be one of the best cancer-preventing foods. Additionally, they’re a great source of folic acid and fiber, which can help regulate the digestive system.
Since zinc is important for the health of our immune systems, I recommend including food sources of zinc — including pumpkin seeds, spinach, lentils, and kidney beans. Iron supports muscle metabolism, moving oxygen throughout the body, and nourishing tissues. Some of the best sources of iron-rich foods include raw cacao, spinach, and seaweeds.
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